Who are the DA Theatre Boosters?

2024-25 Theatre Booster Board
Dear Families,
The DA Theatre Boosters is a volunteer group made up of families like yours, all sharing a common interest in supporting our students and helping them thrive in their arts pursuits. As the parent of a theatre student, you are automatically a Theatre Booster!
Our students are incredibly lucky to have top-notch professional educators guiding them! However, the department relies on family support and involvement to truly thrive. Throughout the school year, faculty and Booster leadership work closely together. As a volunteer Theatre Booster, your role is essential to the success of the Theatre Department.
The financial resources provided by the Booster members (through enrichment fees, patrons, supplies donated, etc.) are critical to the department’s ability to offer enhanced arts experiences that DA students receive. We are a part of DCPS (Duval County Public Schools); however, the school system cannot provide all the resources to financially support the needs of such high levels of Musical/Technical/Performance Theatre intensive studies. Curriculum enhancement, hospitality, student experiences, communication, branding, and more are all paid for through the Booster program.
What can you do to support your student?
Pay your annual Enrichment Fee.
Become a Patron.
Attend Booster Meetings.
Stay informed by completing a Contact Form and following us on social media on Facebook and Instagram.
Donate items.
Email us with questions: datheatreboosters@gmail.com.
By making a commitment to Theatre Boosters, you are making a commitment to our students’ education at DA and their preparation for the future. We VALUE your service, and above all, welcome your ideas and appreciate your time given selflessly throughout your years at DA!