Enrichment Fee Information
$250 per student
The Douglas Anderson School of the Arts Enrichment Fee program is critical to bridging the gap between public school funding and the funding required to provide educational tools necessary for specialized levels of training for a performing arts school. EVERY ARTS AREA at DA has an enrichment fee to support each student’s arts department.
The 2024-25 Theatre Department Enrichment Fee is $250, and we use these funds in a variety of ways:
DA Theatre student jackets and water bottles
Subscription services for classroom materials (plays, scripts, scores, sheet music, tech design, etc.)
Classroom materials including printer ink, new faculty start-up supplies, and teaching materials
Consumable tech supplies and materials (wood, paint, etc.)
Supplemental funds towards guest artists and master classes
New Student Meet and Greet during Curtain Call
New Student Welcome Lunch during Orientation Week
Senior Banquet
Senior College Scholarships
District Thespians, and other field studies including registration assistance, travel and refreshments
Theatre Boosters’ website maintenance applications
Federal and State filing fees
QuickBooks, payment processing fees (PayPal), and other administrative supply costs
Siblings receive a 50% discount on all siblings after the first student. For example, if Jane and Mary are sisters in the Theatre Department, their total family Enrichment Fee is $375 ($250 for Jane and $125 for Mary).
​While the Theatre Department relies heavily on these fees to fill funding gaps, we understand that full financial support may not be possible for your family. Please consider these additional options to fulfill the Enrichment Fee requirement:
Participate in department fundraisers and receive a portion of sales as credit towards your Enrichment Fee.
Volunteer! Every Booster volunteer shift fulfilled on behalf of a student is worth $20 of Enrichment Fee credit.
Email datheatretreasurer@gmail.com to make alternative payment plan arrangements.
For Enrichment Fee FAQ, refer to the DA Theatre Boosters Handbook or email questions to datheatretreasurer@gmail.com.
The Theatre Boosters have a goal of 100% participation in the Enrichment Fee program from our Theatre Department Family to make our 2024-25 budget. If for any reason you are unable to pay this in full by December 31, 2024, please contact us directly (datheatretreasurer@gmail.com) for other available options to fulfill this important need (fundraisers, volunteering, payment plans, etc.).
Enrichment Fee payment can be made HERE or by check payable to DA Theatre Boosters. Checks should be mailed to: Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, Attn: Theatre Boosters, 2445 San Diego Road, Jacksonville, FL 32207.
Thank you for being part of the DA Theatre Family and we look forward to a successful 2024-25 school year!